December 13, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Hello! My name is Jen.

For a while now I have been a closet pinner. I can scroll through the boards on Pinterest for hours and pin ideas to my hearts content. There are so many ideas out there! So many things that would look great in my house, so many things that could be tweaked just a bit to fit my style... My boards became fuller with each passing day, but my house stayed the same. I didn't do a single thing that I had pinned. I didn't make any new projects or try any of the ideas that I saw.

I finally jumped in and picked one of my pins to make. I had so much fun that I did another... and another... and another! I love the things that I have made and I can't wait to make more. I thought that it would be fun to make a blog on the pins that I have made, and to share my successes and failures. So here it is, my blog. I hope you enjoy reading, and that you to can See it, Pin it, and CREATE it!


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